– Education for life, not just to make a living

The schools

EMNJ 1 in Torcelle

EMNJ 2 in Tabarre

ABC de la vie in Delmas

Preschool class at emnj 1

Preschool class at ABC

Thanks to friends and supporters of the Bon Timoun Foundation, 550 underprivileged children and youth are able to attend school at 3 locations in the capital of Haiti. Support from the foundation combined with the tireless effort and dedication of the directors and teachers have changed the lives of countless families over the past 10 years. A low-barrier admissions process makes it easy for the families most in need as well as older students to enroll. In addition to following the standard Haitian curriculum, students and teachers attend classes and engage in activities designed to teach human values.


What we do 


Three schools in Haïti


The Bon Timoun Organization supports 3 primary schools with a combined total of 550 students.

Schooling in Haiti is almost always private and very expensive, which means that many children do not attend school or attend school very irregularly. In addition to the Haitian curriculum, our three schools in the capital of Haiti teach human values ​​in a safe and loving environment. Our goal is to allow these schools to continue to serve children from underprivileged families and to guarantee a quality education with attention to character building. The “ABC’s of Life” school is located in a rented building in Delmas. The EMNJ school owns the land where the schools are located, both in Torcelle and Tabarre. This allows the EMNJ schools to develop into an important and lasting linchpin in the community.

Who We Are 

We are a group of motivated, socially-engaged people who work for underprivileged children in Haiti. Shortly after the 2010 earthquake, Katinka van Lamsweerde traveled to Haiti as a volunteer. In February 2011, together with a group of Haiïian youth, she started a school for children whose families could not afford Haiti’s privatized school system. Soon after, the “ABC de la Vie” school was formed with the goal of teaching the ABC’s of and for life.

Katinka soon met Mr. Jozef, school director of the Ecole Mixte de la Nouvelle Jérusalem (EMNJ) which consisted of 63 children in tents in a field. Since then, EMNJ has grown into a school with 300 students and added a second location which serves an additional 180 students. With the help of friends and stakeholders, it’s been possible to keep these schools alive. And over the past 8 years, in addition to building a thriving school community, an invaluable bond of mutual trust has developed between the organization, the school directors and teachers.

In April of 2018, Lalita de Goederen traveled with Katinka to Haiti to plan how to further develop the schools and continue to provide free education.

Forming a foundation became indispensable, so the Bon Timoun Foundation was born in July 2018.

Human values ​​training

In collaboration with the European Sathya Sai Education (ESSE) Institute, Bon Timoun provides training in human values ​​education.

More than 180 teachers and youth have already participated in the Sathya Sai Education Human Values courses, in which recognizing the positive qualities in people and self-transformation are paramount. The method is engaging and fun and adapts to a variety of ways of learning as well as aspects of the human personality. The training modules of 2-5 days are given several times a year by Katinka and employees. A Haitian team of trainers is also being formed. For the children there are weekly classes at school, a Saturday Club and summer camps. Attention is also paid to the universal values ​​of truth, integrity, peace, love and nonviolence in the curriculum and atmosphere of the school.

Social Media

Nieuwsbrief Maart 2024

Nieuwsbrief Maart 2024

Haïti staat in vuur en vlam. Bendes zijn meester van de hoofdstad, van de havens en vliegvelden, wegen en straten. Door de blokkades en de extreme onveiligheid staat het leven stil, moeten mensen vluchten, zijn de scholen dicht en blijft het risico om ontvoerd te worden enorm....

Waardevol onderwijs in Haïti

Waardevol onderwijs in Haïti

Afgelopen maand, eind november, konden de scholen eindelijk weer open in Haïti. Langzaam begonnen de kinderen ook terug te komen naar onze scholen. De leerkrachten van de EMNJ-scholen gaan bij de families en kinderen thuis langs om hen te helpen hun angsten te overwinnen en om hen te motiveren weer naar school te komen.

Nieuwsbrief 9 December 2021

Nieuwsbrief 9 December 2021

Het is een spannend jaar geweest in Haïti. Het coronavirus houdt iedereen al meer dan 1,5 jaar lang in de greep maar naast het virus werd in Haïti tijdelijk de noodtoestand afgekondigd. Dit jaar werd in juli de President doodgeschoten, op 14 augustus was er een nieuwe aardbeving in het zuidwesten...


The Bon Timoun Foundation aims to contribute to the development of underprivileged children and youth in Haiti and other developing countries”


The Bon Timoun Organization
Zuster Constancelaantje 53
2061 DH Bloemendaal, The Netherlands

T : +31 0620052966
E : bontimounhaiti@gmail.com

Bank number: NL 87 TRIO 0379 6815 95

KvK-nummer: 72119586

RSIN-nummer : 858993053

Established July 5, 2018


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